cPanel Flash Tutorial: How to rename file or folder using File Manager?
This cPanel Flash Tutorial will show you how to rename a file or folder using File Manager in CPanel. The name or extension of a file or folder can be quickly edited in File Manager (if by chance you have given wrong name or extension to it., or if the name / extension needs to be updated) by using the Rename File link in File Manager.
- First you need to login to cPanel and click on "File Manager " icon.
- Click on public_html folder to view a list of files and folders in it. If the file / folder resides inside one of the sub-folders of public_html then navigate to it by clicking on folder icons (and not names).
- When you locate the file or folder that has to be renamed, click on its name (and not the icon).
- Now click the "Rename File" link in the top right portion of the window.
- Type the new name of the folder or file n the text box. If it is a file then an extension is required, for example, .pl for Perl files.
- Click on the Rename link. Name of the file / folder changes and is shown in the updated display.
A file will become useless if it does not have the correct extension.
- Change current directory
- Change file / folders permissions
- Copy files
- Delete existing files / folders
- Edit file using an online HTML Editor
- Moving files
- Renaming a file or folder
- Creating a new file / folder
- Uploading files to your site
- Viewing a file's content