Glossary Definitions starting with Letter V
Terms that will help you understand hosting services. Internet reference and glossary of Web Hosting Terms and Definitions. Please select a letter to jump to that section of The Glossary.
A glossary is defined as an alphabetical list of technical terms in some specialized field of knowledge; usually published as an appendix to a text on that field. This Web Hosting Glossary section is specially designed to explain most of the terms that you should read and understand before you choose your web hosting service provider.
Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition. Interpreted scripting language (subset of MS Visual Basic language) for creating scripts that can be embedded in HTML pages or for creating ActiveX Controls. Meant as an alternative to JavaScript.
(Very Easy Rodent Oriented Net-wide Index to Computerized Archives) -- Developed at the University of Nevada, Veronica is a constantly updated database of the names of almost every menu item on thousands of gopher servers. The Veronica database can be searched from most major gopher menus.
Virtual Hosting
A shared hosting solution, the most basic of hosting types. Numerous Web sites are shared on one server.
See also : ( Cyberspace )
A computer virus is similar to a physical one, it infects the host (your computer or network) and then does its best to spread to other hosts. Whilst some viruses are harmless (their creators just want to see how well they work), many are malicious and cause damage to systems by modifying or deleting data. The two main sources of viruses are email attachments and files downloaded from websites. Despite popular belief simply reading your email is not sufficient to infect your system, you must execute the attached file for it to plant the virus. Your best defense against viruses is to delete email attachments from people you don't know, and to avoid downloading any files where the author or source cannot be authenticated.
See also : ( Trojan Horse )
(Virtual Private Network). A virtual private network is a method of accessing the private network in a secure way over public communication lines and networks.
Pronounced ver-mal, and short for Virtual Reality Modeling Language, VRML is a specification for displaying 3-dimensional objects on the World Wide Web. You can think of it as the 3-D equivalent of HTML. Files written in VRML have a .wrl extension (short for world). To view these files, you need a VRML browser or a VRML plug-in to a web browser.